Advanced Excel Trending

Advanced Excel course prepares you to become a power user of Excel.All the basics and advanced concepts covered.

Learn the most advanced formulas, functions and types of financial analysis to be an Excel power user.

Advanced Excel syllabus covers the following topics:

  1. Advanced functions and formulas: Learn how to use complex functions like IFERROR, SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, and more.

  2. Pivot tables: Learn how to create and manipulate pivot tables, including grouping data, adding calculated fields, and creating pivot charts.

  3. Data validation: Learn how to validate data in Excel, including creating drop-down lists and using data validation rules.

  4. Conditional formatting: Learn how to use conditional formatting to highlight cells based on specific conditions, such as values, text, or dates.

  5. Macros: Learn how to create and use macros to automate tasks in Excel, including recording and editing macros, and creating custom buttons.

  6. Charts and graphs: Learn how to create and customize charts and graphs in Excel, including adding titles, legends, and axis labels.

  7. Advanced data analysis: Learn how to use Excel's data analysis tools, including regression analysis, goal seek, and solver.

  8. What-if analysis: Learn how to use Excel's what-if analysis tools, including scenario manager, data tables, and goal seek.

  9. Power Query and Power Pivot: Learn how to use these powerful tools to import, clean, and manipulate data from external sources, and create advanced data models.

  10. Excel add-ins: Learn how to use Excel add-ins, including Power Map, Power View, and Power BI, to create advanced visualizations and reports.