Android Training classes at Durgapur

Learn Android programming concepts online using the Kotlin programming language. You build a variety of apps, starting with Hello World and working your way up to apps that schedule jobs, update settings, and use Android Architecture Components.

Course Title: Kotlin Programming

Course Description: This course introduces students to the Kotlin programming language, which is a modern programming language used for developing Android applications, server-side applications, and more. Students will learn the fundamentals of Kotlin and gain practical experience through hands-on programming assignments and projects.

Course Objectives: By the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Understand the basic syntax, concepts, and features of the Kotlin programming language.
  2. Write Kotlin programs using variables, data types, control flow structures, and functions.
  3. Apply object-oriented programming principles using classes, objects, and inheritance in Kotlin.
  4. Utilize collections and functional programming constructs in Kotlin.
  5. Develop Android applications using Kotlin and understand the integration of Kotlin with Android Studio.
  6. Use Kotlin coroutines for asynchronous programming.
  7. Write unit tests for Kotlin code.
  8. Understand advanced topics in Kotlin, such as extensions, DSLs, and reflection.

Module 1:

  • Introduction to Kotlin and its features
  • Setting up the development environment (Kotlin plugin, IDE)
  • Hello World in Kotlin

Module 2:

  • Variables, data types, and type inference
  • Basic operators and expressions
  • Input and output in Kotlin

Module 3:

  • Control flow statements (if-else, loops)
  • Null safety and handling nullable types
  • Smart casts and type checks

Module 4:

  • Functions and lambdas in Kotlin
  • Higher-order functions and function types
  • Recursion

Module 5:

  • Object-oriented programming in Kotlin
  • Classes, objects, and constructors
  • Inheritance, interfaces, and abstract classes

Module 6:

  • Kotlin standard library and collections
  • Iteration and functional programming with collections
  • Mutable and immutable collections

Module 7:

  • Exception handling in Kotlin
  • File handling and I/O operations
  • Working with dates and times

Module 8:

  • Introduction to Android development with Kotlin
  • Android Studio and Kotlin integration
  • UI design using XML layouts

Module 9:

  • Activities and intents in Android development
  • Navigation between activities
  • User input handling and event listeners

Module 10:

  • Fragments and their lifecycle
  • RecyclerView and data binding
  • Building responsive and interactive user interfaces

Module 11:

  • Asynchronous programming with coroutines
  • Concurrency and thread handling
  • Coroutine scopes and cancellation

Module 12:

  • Unit testing in Kotlin
  • Writing testable code
  • Introduction to testing frameworks (e.g., JUnit)

Module 13:

  • Advanced Kotlin features: extensions and DSLs
  • Introduction to reflection in Kotlin

Module 14:

  • Project work and code review